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learn guitar

To start learning the guitar, we advise you to start with the section “I’m starting the guitar” in which you will find advice before you start, the basic agreements and chord sequences. Then, explore the rhythm with its good movements in the section “Improve your rhythm on the guitar”. Then start playing pieces adapted to your level.

While working on pieces you will also work on technical exercises that will be offered to you. They will make you progress faster and you will be able to tackle increasingly elaborate and complex parts.
You will find all these exercises in the section “Improve your guitar playing”. Subsequently you will start to ask yourself questions, so we offer you the section “Master the guitar with harmony theory”

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I'm starting the guitar

What I need to know before starting the guitar

If you're considering starting to play guitar, there are a few important things to consider before you get started. In this guide, we'll help you understand what you need to know before starting the guitar. We will cover the different parts of the guitar and how they work, standard tuning, the pick, how tablatures work and the capo. By having a basic knowledge of these elements, you will be able to approach learning the guitar more confidently and effectively. Then you can get started with the basic chords.

Free Accorder sa guitare accordage standard

Tune your guitar

I'm starting the guitar > What I need to know before starting the guitar
Level : Beginner

Before playing you must tune your guitar: here is the standard tuning — 6.37 mins

Free jouer avec un mediator guitare

Use the guitar pick

I'm starting the guitar > What I need to know before starting the guitar
Level : Beginner

Why play with a pick? How to play with it? Which mediator to choose? — 3.24 mins

Free comment utiliser capo guitare accessoires

The Capo

I'm starting the guitar > What I need to know before starting the guitar
Level : Beginner

The Capo or Guitar Capo: what is this little object for, an essential accessory for playing… — 3.39 mins

Free lire une tablature guitare tab

Read a tablature

I'm starting the guitar > What I need to know before starting the guitar
Level : Beginner

How to read tablature, Here's a good starting point for learning songs quickly — 1.11 mins

Free accordage drop d guitare

Drop D tuning

I'm starting the guitar > What I need to know before starting the guitar
Level : Beginner

Drop guitar tuning for a FATHER sound. Very common in a style such… — -1.66 mins

Free comment entretenir sa guitare

How to Maintain Your Guitar in 6 Tips

I'm starting the guitar > What I need to know before starting the guitar
Level : Beginner

Some tips to avoid damaging your guitar prematurely — 1 minute

Basic chords to play your first songs

If you want to learn how to play guitar, knowing the basic chords is essential. This base will allow you to play many songs from different musical styles. In this section, you will learn basic guitar chords, finger positions for the most common chords, chord sequences and how to use them to play your first songs. This is a great starting point for beginners who want to learn the basic skills of playing the guitar.

Free les accords de base guitare

Basic Guitar Chords

I'm starting the guitar > The basic chords to play your first songs
Level : Beginner

The chords that will allow you to quickly be able to play songs that you like — 1 minute

Free accord majeur guitare accord de base

Major chords

I'm starting the guitar > The basic chords to play your first songs
Level : Beginner

Major chords on the guitar to get you started, with simple positions and start… — 1 minute

Free accord mineur guitare accord de base

Minor chords

I'm starting the guitar > The basic chords to play your first songs
Level : Beginner

Learn the minor chord on the guitar in basic chord form to quickly be able to play… — 1 minute

Free guitare do majeur exercices tuto

C (C) on guitar

I'm starting the guitar > The basic chords to play your first songs
Level : Beginner

How to play a C major (C)? The right frets, the right strings and the notes… — 0.56 mins

Free guitare do mineur tuto do mineur guitare

Cm (C min) on guitar

I'm starting the guitar > The basic chords to play your first songs
Level : Beginner

How to play a C minor (Cm)? The right frets, the right strings and the notes… — 0.50 mins

Free re guitare accord tuto guitare re majeur

D (D) on guitar

I'm starting the guitar > The basic chords to play your first songs
Level : Beginner

How to play a D major (D)? The right frets, the right strings and the notes… — 0.50 mins

Free re mineur guitare tuto video gratuit

Dm (D min) on guitar

I'm starting the guitar > The basic chords to play your first songs
Level : Beginner

How to play D minor (Dm)? The right frets, the right strings and the notes… — 0.58 mins

Free mi majeur guitare facile gratuit

E (Mi) on guitar

I'm starting the guitar > The basic chords to play your first songs
Level : Beginner

How to play an E major (E)? The right frets, the right strings and the notes… — 1.24 mins

Free mi mineur guitare tuto gratuit

Em (E min) on guitar

I'm starting the guitar > The basic chords to play your first songs
Level : Beginner

How to play an E minor (Em)? The right frets, the right strings and the notes… — 1.29 mins

Free guitare fa majeur tuto gratuit

F (F) on guitar

I'm starting the guitar > The basic chords to play your first songs
Level : Beginner

How to play an F (F)? The right frets, the right strings and the notes… — 0.50 mins

Free fa mineur guitare tuto gratuit

Fm (F min) on guitar

I'm starting the guitar > The basic chords to play your first songs
Level : Beginner

How to play a F min (Fm)? The right frets, the right strings and the notes… — 0.50 mins

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G (G) on guitar

I'm starting the guitar > The basic chords to play your first songs
Level : Beginner

How to play a G (G)? The right frets, the right strings and the notes… — 1.29 mins

Free guitare sol mineur tuto sol mineur guitare

Gm (G min) on guitar

I'm starting the guitar > The basic chords to play your first songs
Level : Beginner

How to play a G min (Gm)? The right frets, the right strings and the notes… — 0.50 mins

Free la majeur guitare tuto guitare la majeur

A (La) on guitar

I'm starting the guitar > The basic chords to play your first songs
Level : Beginner

How to play an A (A)? The right frets, the right strings and the notes… — 1.16 mins

Free la mineur guitare tuto guitare la mineur

Am (A min) on guitar

I'm starting the guitar > The basic chords to play your first songs
Level : Beginner

How to play an A min (Am)? The right frets, the right strings and the notes… — 1.16 mins

Free guitare si majeur tuto gratuit

B (B) on guitar

I'm starting the guitar > The basic chords to play your first songs
Level : Beginner

How to play a B (B)? The right frets, the right strings and the notes… — 2.04 mins

Free guitare si mineur facile tuto gratuit

Bm (B min) on guitar

I'm starting the guitar > The basic chords to play your first songs
Level : Beginner

How to play a B min (Bm)? The right frets, the right strings and the notes… — 0.50 mins

Complete Method for Playing and Linking Chords (Beginners)

Well done, you've decided to embark on the guitar adventure, congratulations! Whether you choose electric, acoustic or classical, the guitar is a versatile instrument that will allow you to express yourself in a thousand ways. But before playing your favorite songs, there is one essential step: learning to play and string together chords. This method is here to support you from the beginning, with a complete and progressive program. It combines a printable PDF and online multimedia content on Yooplay, which work hand in hand. Thanks to this approach, you will quickly master the basic chords, string together transitions easily, and lay the solid foundations of your learning. So, download the PDF, print it, and follow the online method to progress step by step. You'll see, very quickly you will be able to play your first songs!

Jouer et Enchainer des Accords de Guitare 1

Playing and Linking Guitar Chords (Page 1)

I'm starting the guitar > Complete Method for Playing and Linking Chords (Beginners)
Level : Beginner

Play and Link E Major and A Minor on the Guitar. — 30 min

Jouer et Enchainer des Accords de Guitare 2

Playing and chaining guitar chords (Page 2)

I'm starting the guitar > Complete Method for Playing and Linking Chords (Beginners)
Level : Beginner

Play and Link C Major and F Major on the Guitar. — 30 min

Jouer et Enchainer des Accords de Guitare 3

Playing and chaining guitar chords (Page 3)

I'm starting the guitar > Complete Method for Playing and Linking Chords (Beginners)
Level : Beginner

E major A minor C major F major on guitar — 30 min

Jouer et Enchainer des Accords de Guitare 4

Playing and chaining guitar chords (Page 4)

I'm starting the guitar > Complete Method for Playing and Linking Chords (Beginners)
Level : Beginner

C major F major E major A minor guitar — 30 min

Jouer et Enchainer des Accords de Guitare 5

Playing and chaining guitar chords (Page 5)

I'm starting the guitar > Complete Method for Playing and Linking Chords (Beginners)
Level : Beginner

Playing and Linking C and G on the Guitar — 30 min

Free Chord Chains

Learning chord sequences is crucial for you as a beginner guitarist. This skill will allow you to play different chords one after the other in a fluid and rhythmic manner. At first it may seem difficult, but don't worry, with the right techniques and tips you can progress quickly and improve your guitar playing. This practical guide will help you learn chord sequences by providing tips and practical exercises to improve your technique, speed and accuracy. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced guitarist, this guide will allow you to perfect your playing and master chord sequences.

Free changement daccord guitare

Chord sequence

I'm starting the guitar > Free chord progressions
Level : Beginner

Guitar chord change exercise: This step is crucial before you start playing a piece.… — 1 minute

Free am f guitar chords

Chain Am and F on the guitar

I'm starting the guitar > Free chord progressions
Level : Beginner

Am F guitar chords sequence: We offer you exercises that will allow you to learn… — 4.21 mins

Free c g guitar chords

Chain C and G on the guitar

I'm starting the guitar > Free chord progressions
Level : Beginner

Chain C and G: We offer you progressive exercises that will allow you to… — 3.48 mins

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Chain A and E on the guitar

I'm starting the guitar > Free chord progressions
Level : Beginner

You will learn to chain A and E through several evolving exercises — 3.34 mins

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Chain Am and D on the guitar

I'm starting the guitar > Free chord progressions
Level : Beginner

Here are some free exercises to do a good sequence of Am and D quickly thanks to these progressive exercises — 3.35 mins

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Chain C and Am on the guitar

I'm starting the guitar > Free chord progressions
Level : Beginner

Chain C and Am thanks to our evolving exercises to quickly play your favorite songs — 3.33 mins

Free dm a guitar chord gratuit

Chain Dm and A on the guitar

I'm starting the guitar > Free chord progressions
Level : Beginner

Chain Dm and A thanks to our evolving exercises to quickly get started with your pieces… — 3.33 mins

Free f c guitar chord gratuit

Chain F and C on the guitar

I'm starting the guitar > Free chord progressions
Level : Beginner

Follow F and C with our progressive exercises to quickly get started on your pieces… — 3.34 mins

Improve your rhythm on guitar

Master the basics of rhythm on the guitar : tips and practical exercises

Whether you're a beginner or simply want to improve your playing, mastering the basics of rhythm on the guitar is essential. With our advice and practical exercises, you will be able to progress quickly and gain confidence in your ability to play in rhythm. Learn how to improve your timing, groover, and fills, and become a stronger, more confident guitarist. Ready to take the challenge ? Follow us and master the basics of rhythm on the guitar now!

Free Introduction solfege rythmique

Introduction to rhythm guitar

Improve your rhythm on the guitar > Master the basics of rhythm on the guitar: tips and practical exercises
Level : Beginner

Learn the basics of rhythm to play in place and progress faster! Listen to them… — 3.44 mins

Free rythme guitare facile valeurs rythmiques jouees

Rhythmic values played

Improve your rhythm on the guitar > Master the basics of rhythm on the guitar: tips and practical exercises
Level : Beginner

How long are the notes? The answer is here. Everything will be much clearer — 3.10 mins

Free valeurs rythmiques silence

Muted rhythmic values

Improve your rhythm on the guitar > Master the basics of rhythm on the guitar: tips and practical exercises
Level : Beginner

Silence is part of music, we tell you everything in this video! It is… — 2.58 mins

Free rythme a la guitare

Playing rhythm on the guitar

Improve your rhythm on the guitar > Master the basics of rhythm on the guitar: tips and practical exercises
Level : Beginner

Whole notes, half notes, quarter notes, eighth notes! Exercise to play your first rhythms on the Guitar — 3.50 mins

Playing sixteenth notes on the guitar : tips and practical exercises

Would you like to be able to play sixteenth notes on the guitar like the pros? With our tips and practical exercises, you will be able to develop your technique and speed to play fast and fluid rhythms. We'll show you how to synchronize your hands and fingers to produce crisp, precise sounds, while giving you tips to improve your sense of tempo and musicality. Ready to take on the challenge and play complex pieces with ease? So follow us and play sixteenth notes on the guitar now!

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How to play sixteenth notes on guitar?

Improve your rhythm on the guitar > Play sixteenth notes on the guitar: tips and practical exercises
Level : Intermediate

Learn to play 4 sixteenth notes with simple rhythmic figures! Scalable exercises — 1 minute

4 double croches guitare rythmique

4 sixteenth notes – Guitar

Improve your rhythm on the guitar > Play sixteenth notes on the guitar: tips and practical exercises
Level : Intermediate

Learn to play 4 sixteenth notes with simple rhythmic figures! Scalable exercises — 3.10 mins

2 doubles 1 croche guitare rythmique

2 doubles an eighth note-Guitar

Improve your rhythm on the guitar > Play sixteenth notes on the guitar: tips and practical exercises
Level : Intermediate

Learn to play 2 sixteenth notes and one eighth note with simple rhythmic figures! — 3.06 mins

1 croche 2 doubles guitare rythmique

2 sixteenth note-Guitar

Improve your rhythm on the guitar > Play sixteenth notes on the guitar: tips and practical exercises
Level : Intermediate

Learn to play 1 double 1 eighth note 1 double with simple rhythmic figures! — 3.13 mins

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1 double 1 eighth note 1 double-Guitar

Improve your rhythm on the guitar > Play sixteenth notes on the guitar: tips and practical exercises
Level : Intermediate

Learn to play 1 double 1 eighth note 1 double with simple rhythmic figures! — 3.10 mins

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1 dotted eighth note 1 double-guitar

Improve your rhythm on the guitar > Play sixteenth notes on the guitar: tips and practical exercises
Level : Intermediate

Learn to play 1 dotted eighth note 1 double with simple rhythmic figures! — 3.09 mins

1 double 1 croche pointee guitare rythmique

1 double 1 dotted eighth note-Guitar

Improve your rhythm on the guitar > Play sixteenth notes on the guitar: tips and practical exercises
Level : Intermediate

Learn to play 1 dotted sixteenth note on the guitar with simple rhythmic figures… — 3 mins

melange double croche exercices serie 1 1

#1 sixteenth note mix on guitar

Improve your rhythm on the guitar > Play sixteenth notes on the guitar: tips and practical exercises
Level : Intermediate

Mixing sixteenth notes series 1 guitar: to mix all these rhythmic figures that you will encounter… — 3 mins

melange double croches serie 2 guitare

Mixture Sixteenth Notes #2 on guitar

Improve your rhythm on the guitar > Play sixteenth notes on the guitar: tips and practical exercises
Level : Intermediate

Mixing sixteenth notes series 2 guitar: to mix all these rhythmic figures that you will encounter… — 3 mins

10 sets of exercises to master guitar offbeats fluently

Would you like to play guitar fluently and master offbeats? So don't miss our tips and practical exercises to improve your technique and your sense of rhythm. We'll show you how to use offbeats to add variety and complexity to your playing, while giving you tips to help you better understand the rhythmic structure of songs. Thanks to our tips and exercises, you will be able to play with more confidence and precision, even in the most difficult passages. Ready to take on the challenge and master guitar offbeats? So, follow us and play smoothly now!

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Mistakes 3rd double #1

Improve your rhythm on the guitar > 10 series of exercises to master offbeats on the guitar with fluidity
Level : Beginner

Work on the eighth note in the air with suitable exercises. They are present in many songs — 3 mins

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Mistakes 3rd double #2

Improve your rhythm on the guitar > 10 series of exercises to master offbeats on the guitar with fluidity
Level : Beginner

Work on the eighth note in the air 2 sixteenth notes thanks to adapted exercises and our… — 3 mins

contretemps deuxieme double 1

Setback 2nd double #1

Improve your rhythm on the guitar > 10 series of exercises to master offbeats on the guitar with fluidity
Level : Initiated

Work on the second double offbeat with suitable exercises. Play the 2nd, 3rd and 4th doubles — 4 mins

contretemps deuxieme double guitare rythmique

Setback 2nd double #2

Improve your rhythm on the guitar > 10 series of exercises to master offbeats on the guitar with fluidity
Level : Initiated

Work on the second double offbeat with suitable exercises. Play the 2nd and 3rd doubles — 4 mins

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Mistakes 2nd double #3

Improve your rhythm on the guitar > 10 series of exercises to master offbeats on the guitar with fluidity
Level : Initiated

Work on the second double offbeat with suitable exercises. It resonates on the 3rd and 4th… - 5 min

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Setback 2nd double #4

Improve your rhythm on the guitar > 10 series of exercises to master offbeats on the guitar with fluidity
Level : Initiated

Work on the 2nd double offbeat on the guitar with suitable exercises. We suffocate the 3rd… —min

contretemps quatrieme double guitare rythmique

Offbeat 4th sixteenth note

Improve your rhythm on the guitar > 10 series of exercises to master offbeats on the guitar with fluidity
Level : Intermediate

Work on the fourth double guitar offbeat with suitable exercises. We don’t play either 1,… — 4 mins

contretemps 2 eme et 4 eme double guitare rythmique

Mistakes 2nd and 4th #1

Improve your rhythm on the guitar > 10 series of exercises to master offbeats on the guitar with fluidity
Level : Intermediate

Work on the 2nd and 4th double guitar offbeat with suitable exercises. Play the 2nd and... - 5 min

contretemps 2eme et 4eme double a la guitare

Mistakes 2nd and 4th #2

Improve your rhythm on the guitar > 10 series of exercises to master offbeats on the guitar with fluidity
Level : Intermediate

Work on the 2nd and 4th double offbeats on the guitar with our evolving exercises to progress… —min

Melange contretemps guitare

Contretemps mix #1 on guitar

Improve your rhythm on the guitar > 10 series of exercises to master offbeats on the guitar with fluidity
Level : Advance

Mixing Guitar Offbeats: Now mix these different offbeats that you will certainly encounter — 3 mins

Improve your guitar playing with ties

Slashes are an important playing technique on the guitar, allowing notes to be linked together in a fluid and harmonious manner. When playing a slur, you maintain pressure on the string so that the note resonates while you play the next note. The slurs allow you to have no interruption between notes. To play slurs with precision, it is important to master the position of the fingers on the neck of the guitar, to adapt the pressure on the strings and to coordinate the right and left hands well. Training exercises can help improve this technique.

liaison rythmique guitare

#1 connections

Improve your rhythm on guitar > Improve your guitar playing with slurs
Level : Intermediate

The aim of the guitar rhythm link is not to play the following note(s)... — 2.57 mins

Master the Triplets on the guitar

What is a guitar triplet? Guitar triplet: To begin with, when a beat is divided into three, we call it a triplet. So, this has a different meaning than normal eighth notes (dividing a beat in two). Turn on your metronome and try saying the word “tri-o-let” along with the beat, making sure the “1, 2, 3” stays on beat. This will allow you to soak up the feeling of the triplet. Playing the guitar triplet is a good way to add variety to your music. Indeed, when you divide a quarter-note rhythm into two equal parts, we call it an eighth note. Also, when you divide a rhythm into three equal parts, it's called an eighth note triplet. The guitar triplet an odd rhythm Firstly, the triplet is considered an irregular rhythm because its metric value is an odd number, unlike regular military rhythms like eighth notes and sixteenth notes, which are subdivided equally. Playing triplets is a little difficult at first because it feels like the music has changed tempo and/or time signature. When we understand the feel of the triplet we realize that the irregular rhythm is in fact a regular player in the music. To identify the triplets on the sheet music, they have a number 3 above them and often also a parenthesis. Indeed, guitar triplets or others are generally written with the notes grouped in threes and there is generally a '3' written below. They are therefore easy to recognize.

triolet de noires a la guitare

The quarter note triplet

Improve your rhythm on the guitar > Master the Triplets on the guitar
Level : Intermediate

The quarter note triplet on the guitar occupies 2 beats which it divides into 3. Here are… —min

triolet de croches a la guitare

The Eighth Note Triplet #1

Improve your rhythm on the guitar > Master the Triplets on the guitar
Level : Intermediate

Learn the eighth note triplet on the guitar through progressive exercises by mixing… — 3 mins

triolet de croche a la guitare

The Eighth Note Triplet #2

Improve your rhythm on the guitar > Master the Triplets on the guitar
Level : Intermediate

Learn the eighth note triplet on the guitar thanks to other progressive exercises by mixing… — 3 mins

triolet de double croche guitare

The Sixteenth Note Triplet on the Guitar

Improve your rhythm on the guitar > Master the Triplets on the guitar
Level : Advance

Learn the guitar sixteenth note triplet thanks to other evolving exercises by mixing other figures… — 3 mins

Feel the ternary Feeling (Shuffle)

Ternary feeling is a style of guitar playing that involves playing binary rhythms as if playing in triplets. Unlike simpler four-beat rhythms, ternary rhythms have a more "jumpy" beat. To master the ternary feeling, it is important to understand the rhythm, have good hand coordination and practice regularly. With a little practice and persistence, you can add this technique to your repertoire and add a unique touch to your guitar playing.

comparaison binaire feeling ternaire

Binary Comparison and Ternary Feeling

Improve your rhythm on the guitar > Feel the ternary Feeling (Shuffle)
Level : Intermediate

Here is the binary comparison feeling ternary on the guitar: we show you the difference between… — 0.59 mins

feeling ternaire en croche a la guitare

Ternary Feeling – Eighth notes

Improve your rhythm on the guitar > Feel the ternary Feeling (Shuffle)
Level : Intermediate

The ternary eighth-note feeling on the guitar: we show you how to play it and… — 0.51 mins

feeling ternaire double croche a la guitare

Ternary Feeling – Sixteenth notes

Improve your rhythm on the guitar > Feel the ternary Feeling (Shuffle)
Level : Intermediate

Easily learn this ternary sixteenth note Feeling on the guitar thanks to progressive exercises. Because… — 2.04 mins

Improve your guitar playing : tips and techniques for all levels

Prepare for a successful guitar session : Effective warm-up exercises for fingers and wrists

Warming up is an important step before playing the guitar, as it prepares the fingers and wrists for intensive practice. Warm-up exercises can help improve finger flexibility and dexterity, strengthen hand and forearm muscles, and reduce the risk of injury. Guitar warm-up exercises may include finger stretches, wrist flexion and extension exercises, finger coordination exercises, velocity exercises, and precision exercises. It is recommended to spend at least 10 minutes warming up before starting to play the guitar for a successful session time!

Free deliateurs guitare echauffement technique

The Unbinders

Improve your guitar playing: tips and techniques for all levels > Prepare for a successful guitar session: Effective warm-up exercises for fingers and wrists
Level : Beginner

Gain strength and fluidity with these essential exercises. To work without moderation — 6.13 mins

Explore guitar playing effects

The guitar offers a wide variety of playing techniques, which allow you to create different sounds and textures. Some of the most common techniques include fingerstyle playing, picking playing, bends, slides, ghost notes, palm mute, grace notes, hammer-ons and pull-offs. Each technique offers unique creative and expressive possibilities, and can be used to play different styles of music, from pop and blues to rock and jazz. To master guitar playing techniques, it is important to start with the fundamentals and practice regularly, using specific practice exercises. With patience and perseverance, you can progress in your guitar playing and add new techniques to your repertoire.

palm mute guitare technique de jeu

The Palm Mute

Improve your guitar playing: tips and techniques for all levels > Explore guitar playing effects
Level : Beginner

Technique that we find a lot in rock and metal. Play using the… — 1.08 mins

ghost note guitare exercices technique

Ghost notes

Improve your guitar playing: tips and techniques for all levels > Explore guitar playing effects
Level : Intermediate

Here are the notes that are played but do not resonate! Widely used in rhythm... — 7.14 mins

bends guitare exercices technique de jeu

The Bends

Improve your guitar playing: tips and techniques for all levels > Explore guitar playing effects
Level : Intermediate

Another essential technique to enhance your solos! Play like the biggest — 5.48 mins

hammer guitare technique de jeu

The Hammer

Improve your guitar playing: tips and techniques for all levels > Explore guitar playing effects
Level : Intermediate

The Hammer guitar is an essential effect for giving depth and meaning to its… — 0.52 mins

pull off guitare technique de jeu

The Pull-off

Improve your guitar playing: tips and techniques for all levels > Explore guitar playing effects
Level : Intermediate

Improve your solos by learning the Pull off technique. Very often used with Hammer… — 0.52 mins

slide guitare technique de jeu

The slides

Improve your guitar playing: tips and techniques for all levels > Explore guitar playing effects
Level : Intermediate

practice sliding from one note to another and from one chord to another — 4.46 mins

appoggiature a la guitare technique de jeu

Grace notes on the guitar

Improve your guitar playing: tips and techniques for all levels > Explore guitar playing effects
Level : Intermediate

The grace note on the guitar is a playing effect that can barely be heard and produces everything... — 1.42 mins

Tame the pentatonic scale : technical exercises and penta plans

The pentatonic scale is one of the most common scales on the guitar, and you can use it in many styles of music, from rock and blues to jazz and country. It is particularly useful for solos and improvisations, as it is easy to play and allows you to create catchy melodies. To learn how to master the pentatonic scale, it's important that you start with the fundamentals, like finger positions on the guitar neck and intervals between notes. Then, you can work on technical exercises and improvisation plans based on the pentatonic scale, in order to develop the fluidity and creativity of your guitar playing. With regular practice and patience, you can tame the pentatonic scale and use it to create dazzling solos.

penta technique exercice 1 sur les 5 positions

Penta technique

Improve your guitar playing: tips and techniques for all levels > Tame the pentatonic scale: technical exercises and penta plans
Level : Intermediate

This will help you memorize the 5 positions visually and physically — 9.06 mins

Plans penta serie 1 guitare

Penta plans

Improve your guitar playing: tips and techniques for all levels > Tame the pentatonic scale: technical exercises and penta plans
Level : Intermediate

Practice playing penta licks that you can reuse in many other solos — 9.04 mins

Playing Arpeggio Chords

Discovering the captivating world of arpeggios on the guitar offers a magical dimension to your musical playing. These harmonic sequences, where each note resonates distinctly, add a unique richness and depth to your repertoire. By learning arpeggios, you open the door to a refined musical language, allowing you to express varied emotions and create captivating ambiances. Immerse yourself in the delicate art of arpeggios, and transform your guitar practice into a sonic adventure full of nuance and brilliance.

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Start the arpeggios

Improve your guitar playing: tips and techniques for all levels > Playing chords in arpeggios
Level : Initiated

This content is reserved for Freemium level members only.JoinAlready a member? Log in… —  min

Master the guitar with harmony theory

The essential rules for building agreements

The essential rules for constructing chords are simple but crucial to creating successful musical harmony. It's important to know the base notes, follow chord structure, choose the right accompanying notes, and understand chord progressions. By following these rules, you will be able to read chord charts, simple or complex, without having to use a chord dictionary. With practice, you can become an expert at constructing chords and expand your music composition skills.

Free tous les accords a la guitare theorie musicale

All guitar chords

Master the guitar with harmony theory > The essential rules for constructing chords
Level : Beginner

Find all the chords on the guitar with a few simple harmonic rules and a little practice.… — 1 minute

Free les notes sur la guitare theorie musicale

Notes on the guitar

Master the guitar with harmony theory > The essential rules for constructing chords
Level : Beginner

note guitar neck: Thanks to this free course, you will know your neck much better… — 3.03 mins

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Power chords

Master the guitar with harmony theory > The essential rules for constructing chords
Level : Beginner

Do you want to play Rock or Metal? Here's the trick to finding them all and... — 3.10 mins

construire les accords de base guitare theorie musicale

3-tone chord construction

Master the guitar with harmony theory > The essential rules for constructing chords
Level : Initiated

Building basic guitar chords: You'll learn everything in this tutorial! Finished… — 3.30 mins

sus2 sus4 guitare accords

The Sus2 and Sus4 Agreements

Master the guitar with harmony theory > The essential rules for constructing chords
Level : Initiated

Sus2 Sus4 chords are neither minor nor major. Here's why ! There are… — 4.11 mins

accords barres guitare theorie musicale 1

The min and maj barre chords

Master the guitar with harmony theory > The essential rules for constructing chords
Level : Initiated

Guitar barre chords are essential to be able to play as many songs as you like.… — 7.01 mins

Improvisation : create your own guitar solos

Guitar improvisation will gradually lead you to play more and more elaborate solos. It's about knowing the theoretical rules that will allow you to know where the good notes are in order to avoid making false ones! Don't forget to start with the basic theoretical knowledge which begins with chords, otherwise you will ignore basic harmonic rules and you will not be able to go any further. First, you're going to tackle the pentatonic scale. You will tend to play a lot in the first position. But then you'll move on to the other four positions, which is pretty logical in itself. Then you can tackle the positions of the major scale, then the triads and tetrads. You can also start to approach modes to harmonically expand your phrasing. We therefore advise you to learn harmony as a whole, to be able to better approach improvisation on the guitar. However, you can very well make do with the pentatonic scale to have fun, using some techniques like bends, hammer, etc. But you will at least need to know how to find the key of a piece or chord sequence to be able to play the right scale.

Free improviser a la guitare penta

Your first improv

Master the guitar with harmony theory > Improvisation: create your own guitar solos
Level : Beginner

You have no basis? It's not very serious, here's a first tool to get started... - 2 min

les 5 positions de la gamme pentatonique guitare theorie

The 5 positions of the penta range

Master the guitar with harmony theory > Improvisation: create your own guitar solos
Level : Initiated

The penta range is essential for any guitarist who wants to become a soloist — 5.11 mins

gamme majeure a la guitare improvisation

The 7 positions of the major scale

Master the guitar with harmony theory > Improvisation: create your own guitar solos
Level : Intermediate

The pentatonic scale is no longer enough for you? So learn the major scale to expand your… — 5.02 mins

Sing and play guitar at the same time

Jean-Félix Lalanne: 136 songs on guitar and piano easily

Discover Jean-Félix Lalanne's simple and effective method for easily playing 136 songs on guitar and piano using just a few basic chords. This guide is perfect for you, especially if you are a beginner. It opens the doors to a vast musical repertoire while introducing you to new pieces. Gradually, Jean-Félix Lalanne introduces new chords so that you can quickly master complete songs. With this accessible and fun approach, Lalanne shows that music can be a source of pleasure for everyone, whatever your starting level.

Free COUV 136 chansons avec les memes accords

Play 136 songs with the same chords

Sing and play guitar at the same time > Jean-Félix Lalanne: 136 songs on guitar and piano easily
Level : Beginner

Discover 136 easy songs to play on guitar and piano with Jean-Félix Lalanne. Learn… — 7.56 mins

Free JF Lalanne le trac miniature

My tips against stage fright

Sing and play guitar at the same time > Jean-Félix Lalanne: 136 songs on guitar and piano easily
Level : Beginner

Don't be afraid to play anymore, here are the solutions that Jean Felix offers you — 5.10 mins

Play guitar while singing

If you're a singer and looking to improve your rhythm coordination, our comprehensive, easy-to-follow method for playing guitar while singing is for you. This method is also ideal if you want to learn to play another instrument while singing. Our course begins by teaching the most commonly used rhythms for guitar and vocals, as well as their variations. It is essential to master each instrument individually to be able to play each rhythm automatically and then merge them. By following our method, you will be able to significantly improve your ability to play the guitar or other instruments while singing. This technique is especially useful if you play drums, bass, or any other instrument that you want to combine with your voice.

Free Chanter et jouer de la guitare en meme temps

Sing and play guitar at the same time  

Sing and play guitar at the same time > Play guitar while singing
Level : Beginner

Every singer/guitarist aspires to play all the songs of their favorite artist. Fortunately, there is… - 5 min

Chant et guitare en rondes 3

Singing in whole notes and simple figures on the Guitar

Sing and play guitar at the same time > Play guitar while singing
Level : Beginner

Exercise: Sing a round alternating with a round played on the guitar Alternate a… - 10 minutes

Chant et guitare en rondes 3

Singing in whole notes and sixteenth notes on the guitar

Sing and play guitar at the same time > Play guitar while singing
Level : Initiated

Exercise: Alternate a sung whole note with sixteen sixteenth notes played on the guitar Play an eighth note… — 8 mins

Chant et guitare en rondes 3

Singing in Whole notes and triplets Guitar

Sing and play guitar at the same time > Play guitar while singing
Level : Initiated

Exercise: Alternate a sung whole note with a triplet of eighth notes played on the guitar Play… — 8 mins

Chant et guitare en blanches

Half note singing and simple guitar figures

Sing and play guitar at the same time > Play guitar while singing
Level : Beginner

Exercise: Alternate two half notes sung with a whole note played on the guitar Accompany two half notes… - 10 minutes

Chant et guitare en blanches

Singing in half notes and sixteenth notes on the guitar

Sing and play guitar at the same time > Play guitar while singing
Level : Initiated

Exercise: Alternate two half notes sung with sixteen sixteenth notes played on the guitar Accompany two half notes… — 8 mins

Chant et guitare en blanches

Singing in half notes and triplets on the Guitar

Sing and play guitar at the same time > Play guitar while singing
Level : Initiated

Exercise: Alternate two half notes sung with a triplet of eighth notes played on the guitar Play… — 8 mins

Chant et guitare en noires

Singing in quarter notes and simple figures on the Guitar

Sing and play guitar at the same time > Play guitar while singing
Level : Beginner

Exercise: Alternate quarter notes sung with a whole note played on the guitar Accompany quarter notes… - 10 minutes

Chant et guitare en noires

Singing in quarter notes and sixteenth notes on the guitar

Sing and play guitar at the same time > Play guitar while singing
Level : Initiated

Exercise: Alternate quarter notes sung with sixteen sixteenth notes played on the guitar Play an eighth note… — 8 mins

Chant et guitare en noires

Singing in quarter notes and triplets on the Guitar

Sing and play guitar at the same time > Play guitar while singing
Level : Initiated

Exercise: Alternate quarter notes sung with a triplet of eighth notes played on the guitar Play… — 8 mins

Chant et guitare en croches

Singing in eighth notes and simple figures on the Guitar

Sing and play guitar at the same time > Play guitar while singing
Level : Beginner

Exercise: Sing eighth notes alternating with a whole note played on the guitar Alternate… - 10 minutes

Chant et guitare en croches

Singing in eighth notes and sixteenth notes on the Guitar

Sing and play guitar at the same time > Play guitar while singing
Level : Initiated

Exercise: Alternate eighth notes sung with sixteen sixteenth notes played on the guitar Play an eighth note… — 8 mins

Chant et guitare en croches

Singing in eighth notes and triplets on the Guitar

Sing and play guitar at the same time > Play guitar while singing
Level : Initiated

Exercise: Practice rhythm combinations that include eighth notes and triplets. These exercises… — 8 mins

The musician's toolbox : the fundamentals

Everything you need to know to play an instrument

This section is designed to give you a good start in your musical learning whatever your instrument. By taking the time to understand these basic concepts, you will be able to progress more quickly and flourish in the practice of your favorite instrument. And if you have any questions or difficulties, do not hesitate to come back to this section as often as necessary. It is designed to support you in your musical journey, whatever your starting level.

Free Tout savoir sur le metronome

How to use a metronome?

The musician's toolbox: the fundamentals > Everything you need to know to play an instrument
Level : Beginner

Free online metronome to improve your rhythmic precision by choosing your tempo and number… — 2.58 mins

Free La Signature rythmique

What is time signature?

The musician's toolbox: the fundamentals > Everything you need to know to play an instrument
Level : Beginner

The time signature in music is represented by a temporal fraction, composed of two numbers indicating… — 4.43 mins

Free La Notation internationale des accords

Rating of international agreements

The musician's toolbox: the fundamentals > Everything you need to know to play an instrument
Level : Beginner

Learn to read the international symbols for chord notation in music. Capital letters… — 3.27 mins

Hardware Test

Guitar Test

Welcome to this section where we present guitars to you and test them together. The idea is to immerse yourself in this fascinating universe so that you can discover them visually and evaluate them concretely. We want to offer you an immersive experience where you can explore the different characteristics, the nuances of sound and the aesthetic finishes of these exceptional instruments. By offering you a varied selection of guitars, we want to give you a real showcase of the diversity they can offer. Each guitar has its own character, whether through its unique design, innovative construction materials or distinctive sound spectrum. Take the time to observe them from all angles, soak up their meticulous details and appreciate the artisanal know-how that makes them unique. But we don't just want to stop at visual exposure. We've also planned test sessions so you can really feel the playability and expressiveness of each guitar. Immerse yourself in the handling experience, explore the feel of the neck, feel the body's resonance and discover how these instruments respond to your particular playing style. Whether you are an experienced musician looking for a new guitar to enrich your sound palette or an enthusiast curious to discover unique models, this section is made to satisfy your thirst for musical discovery. Take this opportunity to immerse yourself in the captivating world of guitars and find the one that best resonates with your artistic sensibilities.

Free guitare aluminium test ted guitars saphyr

SAPHYR – TED Guitars

Hardware Test > Guitar Test
Level : ??

We test this aluminum guitar with its unique look and its own sound. That… — 3.53 mins

sigle yooplay

How to learn guitar?

Which site to learn Guitar on the internet?

Cours de Guitare en ligne Learn to play guitar online with Yooplay and/or with an in-person teacher.

Yooplay works in the field in partnership with music teachers and schools. Indeed, this is to improve the interaction between teacher and students with practical tools during the lesson, but also to work at home while waiting for the following week's lesson.

In addition, we consult teachers to get feedback on the relevance of the content as well as its quality. Our online guitar lessons can absolutely be a complement to your lessons with your teacher who can become a Yooplay partner and give you a nice discount.

Find your lessons at home

In fact, if you have a teacher, register on Yooplay to work at home. If you do not have a teacher and you are registered on Yooplay, do not hesitate to contact a teacher or a school from the Yooplay partner network across France. This is in case you are looking to add a more human and direct dimension. Whether you want to learn or improve, you will find here everything you have always dreamed of without ever daring to ask: guides, online guitar lessons, methods for learning the guitar, pieces by artists in several levels.

Electric guitar lessons

Are you a beginner? Initiated? Intermediate or advanced? Our online guitar tutorials and lessons make it easy to learn all the necessary techniques and applications.
Whatever your style, whether you prefer acoustic guitar, folk guitar or electric guitar, our lessons will provide you with answers to your questions.
Indeed, here you will find various exercises, concrete applications, with videos, tablatures, scores, etc…

Learning to play guitar can be difficult, and even downright frustrating at times. Discover the best ways to learn to play guitar online at home, whether at home or with a guitar teacher/coach.

Methods for learning guitar: child's play in 3 days!

At one point or another, almost everyone has found themselves caught in the moment of listening to a great song and overcome by the desire to launch into an air guitar solo. And while anyone can play air guitar, learning to play a real acoustic or electric guitar takes practice and dedication.

If you want to learn how to play guitar, you may not know where to start. We therefore offer you the best method to learn the guitar.

What is the best way to learn guitar?

Can I learn guitar at home or do I need a guitar coach? Should I learn to play chords or scales first? Your mind may be overflowing with questions and you may feel a little lost. You can also ask yourself if you will be good at the guitar, if you will progress quickly, etc.

In some cases, beginner guitarists don't always give themselves the time to learn the basics. They unfairly put pressure on themselves to “become good” from the start.

Play guitar as a relaxed beginner

Relax ! Learning to play guitar should be a fun experience that is more about the journey than the destination. Even the best guitarists find new ways to express themselves and experiment with new techniques. As a beginner, one of the best ways to learn guitar is to start slowly and learn the style you like to play. Even new musicians can learn to play easy songs on the guitar.

This will help you practice any new skills or chords you have learned. This can help you stay motivated. We're going to give you some tips and information to help you optimally practice and learn to play the guitar thanks to our free online guitar lessons.

What is the best way to learn guitar?

First of all, anything worth doing is worth doing well! Often this means it takes time, patience, and practice to hone a particular skill. Learning to play guitar is no different. Wondering what's the easiest way to learn guitar?

 The truth is that there are no shortcuts or substitutions for developing a regular practice program. One of the most important things that beginning guitarists need to know is that they need to be patient with themselves. Even the best guitarists don't become great overnight.

Regular training in your educational journey 

It is important to set aside time each week. It's just a few minutes a day, to sit down and practice chords, scales and guitar-related techniques. It's harder to develop good habits than to lose bad ones. Indeed, regular practice is essential to start playing the guitar. However, there are ways to make learning guitar as easy and fun as possible, whether online and/or with a teacher.

How to learn the basics of guitar on the Yooplay website?

The first steps are always the most difficult. But you have to learn to crawl before you can walk, building up your strength and confidence before you can take off. Are you learning to play guitar at home with Yooplay online guitar lessons or taking guitar lessons with a guitar coach in person?

Learning the basics and putting them into practice will help you progress. It may not be as challenging as playing your first solo or strumming the chords to your favorite song. Note that small things like learning the names of the strings and different parts of your guitar can help you become familiar with your instrument.

Why learn chords on guitar before soloing?

Learning to play guitar chords is one of the fundamental parts of learning guitar. Even if you're not yet able to play a guitar solo (that will come!), beginner guitarists can easily learn a few simple chords and strum along to their favorite songs as a rhythm guitarist.

Indeed, every solo guitarist must know how to play rhythm. No soloist waits, idly, for several minutes on a piece to do his solo. That would be absurd and ridiculous. So learn your chords, learn to chain them and progress in rhythm; then you can start playing small, not too complicated solos, then working on some essential techniques to make a solo sound.

How to hold a pick?

Properly hold a pick can help you create a much more pleasant sound. By better understanding the different sounds achieved with different sized picks, you will also be able to understand how the right pick can impact the sound of your guitar. At first you will tend to opt for medium or slightly soft picks. But once you have developed your touch a little more, you will discover the multitude of sensations and sounds that open up before you.

How to play notes on your guitar?

One of the first things you'll learn as a beginner guitarist is to properly place your fingers on the fretboard to make sure the note resonates well. Hearing the notes clearly is essential to identifying them whether online and/or with a teacher. Even if at first not everything will resonate well.

Why don't the notes sound well on your guitar?

Quite simply because at the beginning your fingertips are soft, so they muffle the strings a little. The more you play, the harder your fingertips will be and the better your notes will sound. So listen to your teacher's advice and/or take online guitar lessons on the Yooplay platform.

How to remember the order and name of guitar strings?

Learning the names of strings and the order in which they appear on your guitar can help you identify tones and notes. In fact, this will help you understand more advanced concepts and knowledge later, such as reading tablature and harmony. Discover our method with tips and tricks for remembering the order of guitar strings and their names. By learning guitar online with the Yooplay platform or with a teacher, you will learn this concept and many others.

How to progress quickly on the guitar?

One of the first steps in learning guitar online and/or with a teacher is to create an environment that makes you want to practice. If you're learning guitar at home, setting up a comfortable practice space is essential to wanting to sit down and play more often.

Here are some things to keep in mind when setting up your practice space:

– Put your guitar in a prominent place.

You know the saying: “out of sight, out of mind”. So, keeping your guitar in view is a visual cue that will encourage you to play more often.

– Maintains an optimal temperature.

Indeed, playing in a well-ventilated room at a pleasant temperature can help create a comfortable environment for practicing guitar. You may not be as inclined to sit down for a practice session if the room is too hot or you are too cold. Additionally, maintaining a comfortable and consistent temperature in the room where you practice guitar can also help you keep your guitar in tune. Temperature fluctuations can impact its performance.

– Good lighting.

Choose a room with lots of natural light or make sure your room is well lit. Being able to clearly see your fretboard is essential for beginners learning the correct positioning to play your chords and notes.

– A comfortable chair or stool.

The ideal place to sit for training is also important! Make sure you have a chair or stool that facilitates good posture. Indeed, a chair without armrests is ideal because they can sometimes interfere with your own arms when you move around the fretboard or play the rhythm.

– Privacy and/or calm.

If possible, set up a space where you won't be interrupted during a training session. Indeed, using accessories such as headphones while you play can also help you not disturb others (neighbors or roommates, for example).

– An inspiring decor.

Make your learning environment comfortable and welcoming. Whether you choose to decorate it with colorful plants, paintings or posters of your favorite artists, creating the right atmosphere can encourage you to work out regularly.

How to progress on the guitar?

Little things like keeping your wrist loose when playing guitar can not only help you achieve a smoother playing style, but also reduce soreness or strain after a practice session. Make sure your shoulders stay in place, you must not move your shoulder forward to be able to do certain positions. It's your elbow and wrist that facilitate the chord positions on your fingers. Get more tips for playing guitar like a pro!

Should you maintain a guitar?

Keeping your guitar in good working order is essential to playing better and developing your ear. Learn how to use a tuner guitar and make sure your strings are tuned correctly. Learn how to replace a string if it breaks during a practice session. Understand the different parts of your instrument and how these little things impact the sound of your guitar. Get a metronome or use one free online metronome by Yooplay!

Which online guitar course to choose?

Have you always dreamed of becoming a guitarist, but never had the free time to take lessons? If this sounds like you, then you've probably asked yourself "Can you learn guitar online?" Believe me, you are not alone. This is probably one of the most common questions I receive as a guitarist. Luckily, there's never been a better time to start learning guitar.

There are unlimited resources online that make it easy for anyone to learn to play guitar, whether they're an absolute beginner or a more experienced player trying to take it to the next level .

So, can you learn guitar online?

In short, yes, you can learn to play guitar online. There are a ton of online guitar lesson services, apps, websites, forums, and games that make it easy to learn guitar online without an in-person guitar teacher.

In this post, we're going to discuss everything you need to know about learning guitar online, including the pros and cons, the best online guitar lesson services, how you should approach the learning guitar online, and some useful tips and tricks.

What is the best online guitar course?

For some people, especially the older generation, the idea of learning to play guitar exclusively online may seem impossible. Remember that internet learning in general is a fairly new concept and has certainly never been stronger before.

For many decades, it was expected that you would have to take one-on-one guitar lessons with a guitar teacher if you wanted to learn how to play the instrument. The development of online resources has completely changed the situation. But are online guitar methods really good enough to replace a real guitar teacher?

 Is it really possible to learn guitar exclusively online?

Indeed, it is really possible to learn guitar online. There is so much information on the web these days that there isn't a single guitar concept that doesn't exist somewhere online. This may take a bit of searching, but it's at 100% there. I firmly believe that anyone can learn guitar online, as long as they are diligent and put in the effort.

Can you learn to play guitar on your own?

Another common question I get from people interested in learning guitar is “Can you learn to play guitar on your own?”. In short, yes, you can teach yourself to play guitar. Everything you could learn from an in-person guitar teacher can be found online, which means the sky is the limit as long as you have access to the Internet.

Private lessons vs online lessons

However, to be clear, you “learn to play guitar on your own” in the sense that you do not need to hire a guitar teacher to take lessons. In reality, you are not technically “teaching yourself”. Guitar teachers really teach you, but in a different form. Indeed, rather than a one-on-one relationship in which a teacher teaches you directly, you will be taught through content, either videos or written lessons.

But if you have a teacher and Yooplay as a complement, you will progress even faster. If your teacher is a Yooplay partner, you will be able to find at home the exercises and pieces that they have you work on.

Advantages of methods for learning to play guitar online

Online guitar learning resources have truly been a game changer in recent years. Learning to play guitar online actually offers several distinct advantages over traditional in-person guitar lessons. An obvious advantage of learning guitar online is the convenience factor. Being able to learn guitar from the comfort of your own home is a huge advantage.

Whether you're a parent or someone who works multiple jobs, it can be difficult to carve out some time for in-person lessons. When you learn to play guitar online, you have the luxury of choosing your own schedule. If you only have an hour to spare in your day, you can take out your guitar and start learning.

Subscription and price

Another huge advantage of learning guitar online is the price. In-person guitar lessons can be very expensive over time. Generally, you can expect to pay between $20 and $40 for a single 30-minute lesson with a guitar teacher. When you start taking guitar lessons in person, you typically start with one 30-minute lesson per week, which works out to a certain rate per month for guitar lessons.

Prices for online training

If you compare this to online guitar lesson services and other resources, learning guitar online is cheaper. Many online resources are completely free, such as on If you are someone who wants more advanced online guitar lessons, there are paid advanced lessons on the platform. When you compare that to the price of a single 30-minute guitar lesson that costs the same or more, it's a no-brainer. You can get a lot more for your money.


When it comes to variety, there's no doubt that learning guitar online will offer you more than in-person guitar lessons. Think about it. If you have an in-person guitar teacher, you'll be limited to what they know and the genre they specialize in. Your in-person teacher will probably be able to teach you the basics and perhaps give you an overview of different genres.

If you want to specialize in a certain genre of music, chances are your in-person instructor won't be able to take you very far. For example, if you want to become a metal guitarist, but your teacher specializes in classical music, there's only so much he can teach you before you surpass him.

Benefits of online training

This is where learning guitar online is a huge advantage. There are essentially an unlimited supply of instructors specializing in every genre of music under the sun. If you look at an online guitar lesson service, like Yooplay, you'll see that there are dozens of professional guitar teachers specializing in all genres of music.

This means that no matter what type of music you want to learn, you'll be able to find an online resource that teaches you exactly what you need to know, no matter what stage you are at in your learning journey. guitar.

Go at your own pace

Another advantage of learning guitar online is the fact that you can go at your own pace. This is similar to the convenience factor we talked about previously, but I thought this point was still worth mentioning. Sometimes life gets in the way. You're busy and you don't have much time to train. When you learn online, this is not a problem at all.

You don't commit to spending a certain amount of time every week. You can just practice when you have time to spare. On the other hand, the opposite is also true. If you have a lot of free time, you can progress at a much faster pace when you learn guitar online.

Current catalog online

For in-person lessons, there is only a limited amount of material you can cover in your weekly 30-minute lessons. In terms of information, you probably won't learn much in each lesson because you'll spend a lot of time reviewing the previous week's material, answering questions, and practicing.

Compare this to online resources, all the content is available to you 24/7. So if you feel inspired, there's nothing stopping you from moving on to the next lesson when you feel ready. No need to wait a whole week for your next lesson.

Easy to review

Another huge advantage of learning guitar online is that it's really easy to review old lessons. Indeed, since everything is obviously documented in the form of video or textual content. Unless you're someone who takes REALLY good notes, chances are you won't retain 100% of the information from an in-person guitar lesson. When you're learning online, it's very easy to go back and rewatch old guitar lesson videos if you need a refresher.

Choose a structured method

If you're a complete beginner, it's extremely important to have a solid grasp of the basics before deciding to specialize in a specific genre. When learning guitar online, many websites will only give you bits and pieces of the big picture, which can seriously hinder your learning.

That's why I always recommend investing a little money in a structured online guitar course that teaches you everything you need to know from start to finish. This is because it ensures that you will learn everything you need to know in the right order and from the same instructor, which presents a much higher level of consistency.

Set a consistent practice schedule

When it comes to learning guitar, consistency is key. It is better to train for short periods of time each day than to train for a long period of time each week. This is because it is important to develop muscle memory. Additionally, you want to be constantly exposed to new material to ensure that it stays fresh in your mind and that you don't forget important concepts that are necessary to progress.

Remember, since you won't physically meet with a guitar teacher every week, you will need to be responsible for your own growth and success.

Don't ignore music theory

One of the most common aspects of learning guitar that self-taught players skip is music theory. And even though theory isn't necessary for 100 % to become a good guitarist, it is very useful because it allows you to really understand what you're playing and why it works.

If you signed up for traditional guitar lessons with an instructor, they would usually teach music theory, at least to some extent. In general, I think it's a good idea for any guitarist to learn at least a little theory, even if it's boring sometimes.

Be aware of developing bad habits as students

Without having someone sitting in the room to correct your mistakes, it's very common for online guitar learners to develop bad habits and techniques. This is definitely something you need to be aware of as you learn and practice.

Indeed, if you're a beginner, this can be difficult to see, but it's something you should keep in mind when watching guitar lesson videos.

Impatience and years of experience

One thing I see a lot is that new players can be a little too eager to move on to the next lesson before they have perfected the previous lesson. Try to avoid this. Pay close attention to your technique and make sure you have everything nailed before moving on to the next lesson. It's essential to build a solid foundation from the start, as it will serve you well no matter what genre or style of music you want to play in the future.

Online guitar lessons

In my opinion, the best and most consistent way to learn guitar online is to use a real online guitar lesson service like Yooplay. These services typically offer video lessons taught by various professional guitar instructors. In fact, you will be able to learn everything, including fundamentals, specific musical genres, techniques and even songs.

The main reason I personally think online guitar lesson services are the best way to learn guitar is the overall level of quality. Let's be honest, there's a lot of junk and misinformation on the web. If you are a beginner, it is difficult to filter the good information from the bad.

Good guitar lessons

When you use one of these reputable guitar lesson services, you can be sure that quality control is consistent. You'll typically have high-resolution videos with multiple camera angles, guitar tabs to follow, backing tracks to play along and much more. And since you're taught by professional guitar teachers, you can be sure that the information itself is good.

These services like Yooplay are also more structured, so you can be sure that you have a complete package and that you learn everything in the right order. If you're just trying to find individual lessons on the web, taught by different people, it's very easy to miss something important.

FAQs on learning guitar self-taught

Here are some common questions you might ask yourself about learning guitar on your own. In fact, check out this guide for other common questions you might have about learning the guitar.

What is the fastest way to learn guitar?

The quickest way to learn guitar is to take your time and learn everything correctly. Trying to rush leads to sloppy technique and bad habits. Practice 10-15 minutes every day without fail and you will learn the guitar as quickly as possible. Don't try to push yourself to learn faster. Instead, focus on learning everything correctly before moving on to other topics.

Can I learn guitar in 3 months?

You can learn the basics of guitar in three months. Although you shouldn't expect to become a great guitarist in a few months, if you practice regularly, you can learn some basic skills.

What is the easiest guitar to learn?

Some guitars are easier to learn than others. Electric guitars and nylon-string acoustic guitars are the easiest to learn because they are easy on your fingers. Steel-string acoustic guitars are harder to learn because you have to press harder on the strings. You might think that means you should learn on the easiest guitar, but that's not a good idea.

Technical exercises on acoustics

The type of guitar you should learn is the type of guitar you will enjoy playing. If you want to learn rock or metal, learning on an acoustic guitar is a bad idea. Likewise, if you want to play acoustic folk songs (usually played on a steel-string acoustic), you should learn on a steel-string acoustic. 

So, to conclude, can you really learn guitar online?

In conclusion, online video guitar lessons have truly been a game changer. More people than ever can access guitar lessons. As long as you understand the process and put in the effort, I think it's possible for anyone to learn guitar online. So, if you're ready to get started, I strongly advise you to register on Yooplay!

Can you learn guitar alone? Guide

You wish learn to play guitar online free ? Improve your guitar playing level with our online guitar lessons?

First of all, no matter your preferences (folk, electric, bass or classical guitar), Yooplay offers you personalized lessons with free and ultra-complete online guitar lessons to learn to play in a simple and fun way.

To get started without stress, we offer you this complete guide which brings together all our advice to help you get off to a good start in learning the guitar online. 

You will also find all the answers to the questions you probably ask yourself: at what age can you start learning the guitar? How long does it take to learn guitar? What is the best method for learning guitar alone? How to progress quickly?

From what age can you learn the guitar?

First of all, rest assured: there is no age limit for learning the guitar. On the other hand, depending on the period when learning begins, it is possible to benefit from specific advantages by taking free online guitar lessons.

If introduction to the guitar begins between the ages of 5 and 6, the child's creativity and musical awareness will be able to develop more easily, which will increase their chances of obtaining good results in artistic subjects during their schooling. As for adolescence, it is the period during which many people decide to take up the guitar. This desire to learn this instrument comes quite simply from the fact that many teenagers seek to imitate their idol.

When you are an adult, learning the guitar is also possible. Moreover, it is an excellent way to open up to a whole new experience. When you retire, learning to play the guitar is a good idea to give yourself a little boost and keep yourself busy in your free time.

How long does it take to learn guitar?

Learn guitar in 1 month

So after a month:

  • You will be able to play a few chords correctly with good coordination of your left and right hand

  • Your fingers will be able to withstand the pressure on the strings of your guitar, which will allow you to play with more ease.

  • You will succeed in playing your first music on the guitar like the famous song “Come as You are” by Nirvana.

Learn guitar in 6 months

After 6 months you will be able to:

  • Link several chords easily;

  • Get into an easy rhythm;

  • You'll feel ready to play a melody

  • You will know between 5 and 6 open chords like the back of your hand.

Learn guitar in 1 year or more

Because you were rigorous, after a year and more:

  • You will have reached the level sufficient to play with a musician or in a group;

  • You will know the major and minor scales as well as the positions of the minor pentatonic scale in two positions;

  • At least basic agreements will no longer hold any secrets for you

  • The desire to compose little bits of stuff could knock at your door

  • You will have acquired all the knowledge to have maximum pleasure with your guitar! 

apprendre a jouer de la guitare rapidement

Is it difficult to learn to play guitar quickly?

First of all, there are several levels of guitar. Depending on each individual's ability to learn, learning to play guitar online can go more or less quickly. Yooplay adapts to everyone's learning abilities through its online guitar lessons with exercises, tutorials, videos, etc. accessible to beginners, intermediates and experts. No matter your level, the goal is for you to learn and evolve while having fun!

Start at beginner level

Getting started on the guitar on your own is not easy.

To help you get started with peace of mind, Yooplay provides you with an educational method with supports so that you can easily and quickly acquire the basics of the guitar.

Reach confirmed level

As you can imagine: for this level, the exercises, chords and rhythms are more complex than the beginner level.

Of course, you will discover more difficult techniques, but in return, you will enjoy greater freedom when playing the guitar.

Become a pro

By going through the different learning levels of the online guitar lessons developed by Yooplay, you can absolutely reach the professional level. Once you have reached this level, you will be able to play almost any song, start a music group, accompany other instruments and do small concerts.

Learn guitar on your own or with a teacher?

In fact, learning the guitar on your own is entirely possible thanks to simple, but effective methods. Online guitar lessons, videos, tutorials, other supports developed by music professionals, Yooplay provides you with the necessary means to learn guitar well online. To progress faster, don't forget to implement certain habits:

  • Train every day

  • Adopt a routine: warm up your fingers, do technical exercises, play a simple piece…

  • Play slowly to better record and reproduce your movements

  • Relax your muscles

  • Record yourself and listen again to identify your strengths and weaknesses

  • Learn new songs that you love.

Construction accords barres mineur majeur

Best method to learn guitar alone

In conclusion, to learn to play guitar alone, you must first choose your guitar according to your style of music. Do you want to play soft songs? The classical guitar will suit you. On the contrary, do you like hard rock, metal or punk? The electric guitar is the one you need! The folk guitar is, as its name suggests, ideal for playing folk songs. Finally, if you want to be a versatile guitarist, the electric guitar is a good compromise. It will allow you to play soft notes in clean sound and angry notes in saturated sound.

How to learn to play folk or electric guitar?

You want to learn electric guitar, folk or classical? If you are a beginner, Yooplay does not give you access to a free course but provides you with a multitude of courses and video guitar tutorials. These free online videos and our teaching methods are adapted to your level on the electric guitar.

Here you will find everything you need to get started easily and simply in order to progress while having fun with your guitar! When you want to take guitar lessons online and register, it can be reassuring to have access to a free course or several in order to test if you like the educational and video content.

How to learn to play guitar easily?

To get started, we invite you to consult our guide on learning guitar online.
If you are not a beginner, our online guitar lessons for all levels are there to help you improve.
Tutorials for tune your guitar, lessons on intervals, music theory lessons for beginners, lessons on tablature, guides on Chords and chromatic scales…
→ We offer you this method to learn the basics of guitar online and get familiar with your instrument without paying anything.

How to learn electric guitar alone on video?

Whether you want to learn electric, acoustic (folk or classical) or electro-acoustic guitar, our free online guitar lessons will help you progress. Our intuitive and fun method will allow you to discover the basics of the guitar. Electric, acoustic or electro-acoustic guitar, the basics are the same!

Which guitar lesson to start?

Our practical advice: try to start with the “The musician’s toolbox” section so that you assimilate the guitarist/musician vocabulary. Once you have acquired the terms, your “practical learning” can begin. Folk, acoustic or electro-acoustic guitar, our method will allow you to acquire the technical and theoretical bases of your instrument, to discover the different guitar chords and of course, to learn to play in rhythm!

How to play guitar?

Free beginner guitar course: learn and understand notes and intervals

Among the essential notions to learn on the guitar at all costs are notes and intervals. To do this, we provide you with the courses you need:

  • Intervals: by following our free online courses for beginners, you can work at your own pace on the different intervals essential to playing the guitar well.
  • What is the name of the Note? Memorizing all 12 notes will allow you to progress more quickly. Our courses will allow you to easily learn them by heart.
  • What is the correct Box? To play the guitar well, you need to know the neck of your instrument well. And this requires in particular knowledge of the boxes. Our courses will allow you to discover and locate them easily.

The best guitar tutorials online

Our visitors consider our rhythm course to be the best online guitar lesson.
To learn to play in rhythm, we offer simple but effective exercises (refer to the rhythmic music theory course).

Through our lessons, you will discover the basic chords necessary to play a simple song. Then as you progress through your online music lessons for beginners. This way, you will acquire a solid technical base to be able to play with more ease.

Progress on the guitar

Once these concepts have been acquired, you will be able to move up the levels via progressive exercises. These will help you educate your fingers and rebalance the strength that differs between each of them. Also you will also learn to synchronize your right hand and your left hand. On the side of theoretical bases, our lessons will help you understand what you play (chord names, how to find them, memorize them, etc.).

Our free online guitar lessons for beginners are a springboard for you to achieve play your favorite songs, adapted to your level. Besides, when you start working on chord sequences, we will offer you well-known songs of all.

In summary, our guitar lessons are as follows:

  • Folk and electric guitar music theory
  • Basic Guitar Chords
  • Chord sequences
  • Chromatisms (unbinding)

Easy free online electric guitar method for beginners

Learn to play electric guitar garish is pretty easy. Plus you can take it anywhere to continue your learning wherever you are! For information: there is not only hard rock with electric guitars, but there is also classic. Here is a summary of the free online guitar lessons for beginners that you can access on

  • Learn to tune your classical guitar

  • Understanding classic tablature

  • How to use a pick on a classical guitar?

  • Using a capo on an acoustic guitar

  • Learn classical guitar notes

  • What rhythm for your classical guitar?

  • Learn classical guitar chords for beginners

  • Stringing chords together on a classical guitar neck


Why choose Yooplay as your online guitar school?

  1. Guitar lessons for beginners are free! Our courses help you progress on the guitar for free!
  2. You have the choice between classical guitar, folk guitar, electro-acoustic guitar or electric guitar to learn! The courses are the same and all accessible to beginners.
  3. With the “what you need to know” courses you quickly become familiar with the vocabulary of guitarist musicians and all the basic notions of guitar playing.
  4. Our rhythm lessons will teach you to play the guitar in rhythm, particularly thanks to rhythmic theory.
  5. The lessons on easy guitar chords will give you all the ropes in hand to play your favorite music on the neck of your guitar.
  6. We teach the technical basics of the guitar to help you progress and go further in your learning with ever greater ease in your playing.
  7. You will find courses on the theoretical bases of the guitar to help you understand what you play, in particular by knowing the names of your chords, understanding tablature and learning new pieces even by ear.
  8. We offer to play pieces that you like adapted to your level!


You want to learn electric guitar, folk or classical? If you are a beginner, Yooplay does not give you access to a free course but provides you with a multitude of courses and video guitar tutorials. These free online videos and our teaching methods are adapted to your level on the electric guitar.

Here you will find everything you need to get started easily and simply in order to progress while having fun with your guitar! When you want to take guitar lessons online and register, it can be reassuring to have access to a free course or several in order to test if you like the educational and video content.

How to play guitar easily?

If you are not a beginner, our online guitar lessons for all levels are there to help you improve. Tutorials for tuning your guitar, lessons on intervals, music theory lessons for beginners, lessons on tablature, guides on chords and chromatic scales… → We offer you this method to learn the basics of guitar online and get familiar with your instrument without paying anything. 

Whether you want to learn electric, acoustic (folk or classical) or electro-acoustic guitar, our free online guitar lessons will help you progress. Our intuitive and fun method will allow you to discover the basics of the guitar. Electric, acoustic or electro-acoustic guitar, the basics are the same!

Which guitar lesson to start?

Our practical advice: try to start with the “Musician’s toolbox” section so that you assimilate the guitarist/musician vocabulary. Once you have acquired the terms, your “practical learning” can begin. Folk, acoustic or electro-acoustic guitar, our method will allow you to acquire the technical and theoretical foundations of your instrument, to discover the different guitar chords and of course, to learn to play in rhythm with our online guitar lessons !

How to start playing guitar alone?

Our guitar lessons free online courses are complete and ideal for learning the basics of folk, electric or classical guitar. These bases include:

TABS or tablatures

THE tablature represent what should be played on the guitar. In short, they indicate which strings should be played at what time. Our free online guitar lessons for beginners are here to teach you how to read tablature, essential to playing well!

Tuning Tutorial

To play the guitar, it is important to tune your instrument correctly. Our tutorials tuning in our online guitar lessons are here to guide you!

Drop D tuning tutorial

THE Drop D is a type of tuning on the guitar. Thanks to our free online classical guitar lessons for beginners, discover how to properly tune your guitar in Drop D!

Plectrum course

The Pick is used to strum the strings of your guitar. To learn how to hold it and use it well, our free online guitar lessons for beginners will give you the keys.

Capo tutorial

An essential accessory, the capo allows you to play in different keys. With our free guitar lessons for beginners, using the capo will become child's play for you!

Free beginner guitar course: learn and understand notes and intervals

Among the essential notions to learn at all costs on the guitar, there is notes and intervals. To do this, we provide you with the courses you need:

The intervals:

By following our free online guitar lessons for beginners, you can work at your own pace on the different intervals essential to playing the guitar well.

What is the name of the Note?

Memorizing all 12 notes will allow you to progress more quickly. Our courses will allow you to easily learn them by heart.

What is the correct Box?

To play the guitar well, you need to know the neck of your instrument well. And this requires in particular knowledge of the boxes. Our online guitar lessons will allow you to discover and locate them easily.

How to learn guitar alone?

If you've made the decision to learn guitar without teachers on your own using our online lessons, here are some tips and tricks that will help you get started without teachers.

1-Purchase of guitar

Buying a guitar is essential. Buy a guitar you like and keep it somewhere you can see it. Let's start with something simple that works wonderfully. When you buy a guitar, make sure you buy one that you think looks good. Falling in love with your guitar is the first step to wanting to play it often. You also want to get a guitar stand and keep it where you can see it, which will also encourage you to pick it up more often.

2-Learn tabs

Learn to read guitar tablature. Reading tablature from the beginning will really help you learn guitar. What are tablatures? This is an easier type of written musical notation for the guitar. Tablatures are everywhere, they are more popular than standard musical notation for guitarists. You'll be able to find the tabs for any song ever written with a Google search, making learning the songs you love so much easier.

3-Learn the basic chords

Learn the basic chords perfectly. You may be surprised to discover that by using a few basic chords, you can already play thousands of songs on your guitar. Learn these chords and practice them diligently to perfect them.

4-Learn “strumming” rhythms

Learn some strumming patterns. There are only a finite number of chords and notes, but playing them differently varies the music in infinite ways. Learn not 1 or 2, but as many strumming patterns in as many styles of music as possible. This will make you a versatile guitarist.

5-Learn to change chords

Change between chords. Learning to change chords seems difficult at first, but it's just a matter of practice. Learn the basic chord shapes first, then learn to change between them. You'll be doing it blindfolded before you know it.

6-Harden your fingers

Sore fingertips. Your fingertips will hurt at first, which is normal. With enough practice, you'll develop hardened skin on your fingertips. These are called calluses. When you first start learning guitar, you will only be able to play for 10-15 minutes before your fingers hurt so much that you have to stop. The more you practice, the thicker your calluses will become and the more you will be able to play.

7-Learn songs

Learn songs from day one. Ok, the first day you won't be able to play much, but you get the idea. Play songs is amusing. That's why you decided to learn to play guitar, right? There are tons of popular songs that are easy to play, even for beginners.

8-Train regularly

Train regularly. My middle school music teacher kept nagging us that we had to practice at home. I didn't care at the time, but I know now that enough practice is the only way to learn guitar. Or anything else, for that matter. Train for at least an hour a day, and you will be absolutely amazed at the results. If you have less time, you can always train regularly for 15 minutes a day to obtain the minimum result.