This course aims to merge rhythmic figures binary And ternaries that you have previously learned. Inasmuch as drummer, one of the essential skills is to make flow transitions smoothly, without altering the tempo. A great exercise to illustrate this is the single strokes, which allows you to move from a quarter note to a sixteenth note without disrupting the rhythm. Through these exercises, you will familiarize yourself with the sequence without tempo variations of binary and ternary rudiments.
The goal is to feel completely comfortable transitioning from a flow of 4 sixteenth notes to a flow of 6 sixteenth notes, and vice versa.
To start, I suggest you work on breaks on the snare drum. This will allow you to concentrate on this part of the drums and assimilate the rhythmic changes gradually.
Once you feel comfortable with rhythmic transitions on the snare, it's time to expand your skills to the toms. Use the same principles you learned for the snare drum and apply them to your toms. This step will allow you to explore different sounds and create interesting combinations between the snare drum and toms.
Regular practice is essential to mastering these complex rhythmic transitions. Repeat the exercises slowly at first, making sure to maintain a consistent tempo and paying particular attention to the precision and coordination of your movements. Gradually increase the speed as you feel more comfortable. With time and practice, you will be able to make these transitions with fluidity and confidence.
Remember that emphasis, dynamics and subdivision of time play a crucial role in the execution of these mixed rhythmic figures. Experiment with these elements to create variations and nuances in your playing. Use your creativity and musical ear to explore different possibilities and find your own style.
In conclusion, this course will allow you to mix binary and ternary rhythmic figures, working on fluid transitions and without altering the tempo. By practicing these concepts on your snare drum, then extending them to your toms, you will develop your coordination, precision and musicality on the drums. Continue practicing regularly, explore new variations and push your limits to become a versatile and creative drummer.
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