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  •   Simplified
  •   Original

Play Eteins la lumière GUITAR

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Éteins la lumière

eteins la lumiere tab

How to play Eteins la lumière Easy guitar tab?

First of all, when the song begins we let the other guitar start alone on the intro during the first chord turn. Concerning the technical aspects and playing effects, the verses are played in Palm mute, which allows oopen the sound on the choruses which must be more powerful. THE Chords that you will find in this simplified version are Powerchords (“rock chords”) on couples and intros. And on the choruses you will have basic chords. Concerning the rhythm, this rhythm guitar is essentially composed of eighth notes and offbeats placed on eighth notes.

Our advices : take care of your Chords and chord changes while slowly working through each part of the song. Then, go through the different parts of the piece slowly at first, then gradually increase. Also don't hesitate to play it a little faster to be comfortable compared to the original speed.

Now it's time to learn Eteins la lumière easy guitar tab.


Play Eteins la lumière GUITAR

Version : 


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Éteins la lumière

How to play Eteins la lumière Guitare tab simplified guitar ?

In this version of “Éteins la lumière”, the guitar part we added is an additional part added to the middle version of the song, which is closer to the original arrangement. This additional part plays a complementary role with arpeggio interventions on the choruses and a short solo after the bridge. It thus adds diversity and interest to the interpretation of the song.

The technique

In this additional part, you will also find the Palm Mute technique used on the verses. Palm Mute involves lightly resting the palm of your right hand on the strings near the bridge while playing the notes or chords. This produces a muffled, percussive sound that adds attack and definition to notes, creating a distinctive rhythmic ambiance.


Rhythmically, this guitar part uses a combination of eighth notes, offbeats, and whole notes. Eighth notes are notes played quickly that bring movement and liveliness to the music. Offbeats are notes played on the downbeats, which create a syncopated, catchy rhythm. Whole notes, on the other hand, are longer held notes that add stability and duration to musical passages.

Our advices : take care of your Chords and chord changes while slowly working through each part of the song. Then, go through the different parts of the piece slowly at first, then gradually increase. Also don't hesitate to play it a little faster to be comfortable compared to the original speed.

Now it's time to learn Éteins la lumière guitar tab easy.


Play Eteins la lumière GUITAR

Version : 


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Éteins la lumière

How to play Eteins la lumière guitar tab?

We start turning off the light tab in anacrusis with a bend, i.e. before the first beat of the first measure. So “outside” of this song, if you can put it that way. Then we play on the intro the Riff main which recurs throughout the song after each chorus. However, this riff may have some variations. Then rhythmic on the verses is played in Palm Mute with some accentuations, before opening with a slightly less jerky pre-chorus to raise the crescendo on the choruses with a little setup in sync with the drums.

Our advices : take care of your Chords and chord changes while slowly working through each part of the song. Then, go through the different parts of the piece slowly at first, then gradually increase. Also don't hesitate to play it a little faster to be comfortable compared to the original speed.

Now it's time to learn Éteins la lumière guitar tab.