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Cm (C min) on guitar

How to play C minor (Cmin) on guitar?

To play C minor guitar, here are the steps:

How to place your fingers to play C minor guitar?

  1. Place your left hand on the neck of the guitar. If you are right-handed, your hand
    left will be the one closest to the headstock of the guitar. If you are left-handed, this
    will be the opposite.
  2. Place your index finger on the fourth fret of the 2nd string from the bottom.
  3. Place your middle finger on the fifth fret of the 3rd string from the bottom.
  4. Place your ring finger on the fifth fret of the 4th string from the bottom.
  5. Make sure your fingers are correctly placed and press down on the strings to form
    the agreement. The strings should sound clear without buzzing or squeaking
    if you “round” your fingers a little.
  6. Now you have everything to play C minor guitar, don't strum the strings with your hand
    straight or with a pick to produce the sound of
    the chord, without playing the low E (E), A and high E strings.
    Well done, you just played C minor guitar!

Make sure you are well tuned in standard tuning to play C minor guitar, and consult
the course on rating international to learn chord notation that you will meet
throughout your journey as a guitarist.