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The Capo

guitar capo:
Understanding how to use a guitar capo is an important thing for a guitarist.
THE capos make our lives easier, make us sound better, and make things more fun.
And above all it allows you to play certain pieces without barre chord, especially if you are a beginner. Agreements
basic will be more adapted to your level. But we cannot apply this to all the pieces, in
In many cases you will still have barre chords.
In this guitar lesson, you will learn:
1-What is a capo?
2-Why is it so essential?
3-How does a capo work?
4-What does a capo do?
5-What is it for?
6-How to put on a capo?
7-The different types of capos: triggers, toggles and partial capos.
8-How to use the capo chart to quickly transpose chords.
9-Cool songs you can play with a capo.

Guitar capo: What is a capo?

The capos are awesome. They can make learning guitar easier for beginners, and for more advanced players they can offer more depth and variety.
They truly are a tool for all seasons. Understanding how to use a capo enriches your guitar playing, so let's look at how to use a capo in more detail.
A capo is a handy tool that guitarists use to modify the sound of their instrument.
How does a capo work? A capo is actually a clip that you can apply to any location on the fretboard. You open the “clamp” and move it wherever you want on the handle. Then you close it and the capo presses all the strings.

Guitar capo: What does a capo do?

It raises the tone of the guitar. For example, if you place a capo on the 2nd fret and play a C chord, the sound that will come out of your guitar will be a D. You will be holding a C chord, but because the capo has raised the tone of the guitar, the actual chord that will be played will be a D. This concept is essential to understanding how to use a capo. Some people understand immediately and others have difficulty finding their way. Don't worry if you find yourself in the latter camp, it will make sense soon!
To learn how to use a capo, you need to understand its 3 main functions:

A) Make it easier to play songs

This is the main reason why beginner guitarists use capos.
For beginners, it's really cool. It's worth learning how to use a guitar capo just for this. Chords like F# and Bm are too difficult to play for beginners because they are barre chords. But our capo IS a bar. So we can place the capo on the 2nd fret (it does the job our index finger would do in a barre chord) and now we can just play E and Am. Ask a beginner guitarist how much easier it is to play E and Am than F# and Bm!

B) Play chords in different positions / Make a song sound cooler

Sometimes we just want things to sound different, to give a song a little more texture or character.
Learning to use a capo means you can explore other chords and other chord rearrangements. For example, one of the main reasons why The Beatles' 'Here Comes the Sun' sounds so good is because there is a guitar capo on the 7th fret.

C) To quickly change the key of a song on the fly

This can be incredibly useful.
If you have trouble singing a song, try playing it in a different key.
In a band, it is essential to know how to use a guitar capo.
For example, a keyboardist might want to play in E flat, or a singer might want to sing in A (because it's the key to their range), or a lead guitarist might want to play their signature solo in Em, and the list goes on.

Whatever the reason, if you need to change the key of a song, you have two options:

– You can take the time to find all the different chord equivalents in the lower key (we call this “transposing”) and play these different chord shapes.
– Use a capo and simply play the same chord shapes. (But on a higher fret).

Guitar capo: How to put on a capo?

The most common mistake I see people make is that they are not careful enough when releasing the capo handle. This means that the capo attaches to the guitar in an unbalanced way. This can make the guitar sound really bad because the tension of the capo bends the strings. It only bends them a little (it may be barely visible), but it only takes a little bending of the strings for the guitar to sound out of tune. The most important part of learning to use a capo is ensuring a flat, even fit.

Guitar capo: Place the capo

It is very important that the capo seats on the guitar evenly. When you release the grip, the tension in the capo spring will “close” the capo and it will attach to the neck of the guitar. It is important that before releasing the handle, the capo is already straight and level. It's not difficult to do (it takes less than a second), you just need to be a little careful. Take the time to learn how to use a capo correctly!

Guitar capo: Using a capo

For beginners trying to figure out how to use a capo, things usually go like this.
You want to play a song but the chords are too difficult for you.
Look at the capo chart below and place the capo where you CAN play the chords!
This capo chart will help you quickly slip into different keys. This is the most useful way to use a capo for beginners.


capo guitare


Guitar capo: How to use the capo table?

Let's look at the first row. At the top left, you will see the word “CHORD” with “C” below it. If you play a C chord here (in zero position '0', which is an open chord, without a capo), then, surprise, this chord will be a C! It's the C chord you know and love. But if we move two columns to the right, you will see 'D'. This means that if the capo was on the 2nd fret and you held a C shape, you would actually be playing a D chord. Your hand holds a shape that you perceive as a C, but the capo is on the 2nd fret, so the tone of the guitar is high. This C is now a D. Two frets up (that's two columns to the right), and you'll be playing an E chord. And so on…