If you are looking to improve your vocal placement, exercise is essential! Legato is like doing a swing with musical notes: you link them together with flexibility and fluidity, as if you were dancing to soft music. This is the opposite of staccato pitched sounds, which are sharp and abrupt, like hammer blows. This is an essential technique for improving your singing placement and making your voice more pleasant to listen to. So, put on your most beautiful singer's dress or your most beautiful singer's tie and practice linking the notes to each other with softness and elegance!
In this video, you will learn how to work legato through exercises. vocalizations. The goal is to practice moving from one note to another with ease, without changing placement or intensity. Legato work is very important for all singers, because it allows you to master the transition between notes and avoid sudden changes that can harm the quality of the voice.
When working on legato, it's important to focus on the path between the two notes rather than the notes themselves. Think of yourself as a violin or cello, which does not make sudden changes in pitch, but glides from one note to the next smoothly. It is this feeling that you must try to reproduce when singing.
Whether you're singing low or high notes, it's important to avoid the “staircase” effect, which looks like an abrupt switch between notes. This phenomenon is due to poor management of the larynx, which falls instead of dozing between notes. To avoid this effect, focus on the feeling that your notes are always all on the same horizontal plane.
By working on legato with these vocal exercises, you will improve your singing technique and gain fluidity and flexibility. So don't hesitate to train regularly and repeat these exercises as many times as necessary to progress.
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