this song
How to play Je dis aime by M?
"Je dis aime" is a song by M, released in 1999 as the album's first single “Qui de nous deux”.
Written and composed by M, from his real name Matthieu Chedid, this love song is about expressing romantic feelings.
It addresses themes such as expressing feelings, declaring love and emotional vulnerability. It highlights the lyrics and feelings of the singer-songwriter, who mean “I love you” through his lyrics.
It is -M-'s grandmother, the writer Andrée Chedid, who wrote the text of two songs including 'Je dis aime' for the eponymous album and 'Je me démasque' for 'Qui de nous deux' .
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If you want to know how to play how to play I say love from M here are some tips for you!
This song is played at a medium tempo 96 bpm.
The structure is not necessarily complicated, however the bridge parts are completely different from the verses and choruses.
Be careful to play the verses with a little less energy to give breadth to the choruses and still keep the dynamic to release more energy on the final part, that is to say bridge 2, and be able to build to a crescendo.
Here you will find lessons to learn how to play how to play Je dis aime by M for the following instruments:
It is important to note that the guitar is a key element of the song's melody. It is therefore crucial to play the chords and guitar lines well to support the lyrics. The bass should be in harmony with the guitar and give a solid rhythm to the song.
The drums should provide the strength and power needed to maintain the energy of the song throughout the performance while Grooving with the bass
Finally, the voice is undoubtedly the most important instrument in this song. It is necessary to work on vocal placement, harmonies and melody to create a cohesive and captivating performance. Jazz vibrato is an important element of the song and must be practiced to have optimal effect on the performance.
"Je dis aime" is a song by M, released in 1981 as the album's first single “Qui de nous deux”. The song was written and composed by M, from his real name Matthew Chedid, who is also the leader of the group of the same name.
The melody and lyrics are simple but powerful and impact the listener.
It was a commercial success in France, reaching number one on the music charts and becoming one of the most popular songs in M.
The song "Je dis aime" by M is a love song about expressing romantic feelings. It addresses themes such as expressing feelings, declaring love and emotional vulnerability. It highlights the lyrics and feelings of the singer-songwriter, who mean “I love you” through his lyrics.
The song was a commercial success in France, reaching number one on the music charts and was widely broadcast on radio and television channels. It became one of the biggest hits of M and has been covered by many artists. It still remains a classic of French song today.
She is the grandmother of M, the writer Andrée Chedid, who wrote two songs including "Je dis aime" for the eponymous album and “Je me démasque” For “Qui de nous deux”.
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