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How to play Puisque tu pars by Jean-Jacques Goldman ?
The song "Puisque tu pars" by Jean-Jacques Goldman featured on the album “Entre gris clair et gris foncé” released in 1987.
It's not a song about a breakup or the untimely death of your brother's brother. Goldman, but rather a message addressed to its audience to reassure them that separations are not always sad and negative. The idea was to convey this idea in his own words, rather than resorting to the refrain “It's just goodbye my brothers” which he finds ugly. Ultimately, the song proves to be an anthem to its audience.
Other singers also performed “Puisque tu pars”, including Jean-Félix Lalanne, Vianney and even Bryan Adams as well as Céline Dion in an English version entitled “Let's Talk About Love”!
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If you want to know how to play Puisque tu pars by Jean-Jacques Goldman here are some tips for you !
The song "Puisque tu pars" by Jean-Jacques Goldman is a moving and timeless ballad, which demands a subtle and nuanced interpretation from the musician.
Here you will find lessons to learn how to play Puisque tu pars by Jean-Jacques Goldmanfor the following instruments:
Although its tempo is relatively slow at 63 bpm, it is important to maintain good time and play steadily, without speeding up or slowing down, so that the song is pleasant to listen to and easy for the audience to follow.
The playing in the background is essential to give the song its characteristic groove. It consists of placing the notes of the melody just after the downbeat of each measure, thus creating a syncopated rhythm and a feeling of tension and release. This is what makes the song catchy and endearing for listeners.
Furthermore, the song "Puisque tu pars" features many dynamic changes, ranging from pianissimo to fortissimo, creating a long crescendo effect that reaches its peak in the chorus. It is therefore essential to play with sensitivity and vary the intensity of your playing according to the instructions in the score to convey all the emotions of the song. The musician must listen to every note and nuance, to convey the message in a subtle and touching way.
The song "Puisque tu pars" featured on the album “Entre gris clair et gris foncé” released in 1987. There are two versions of this song written, composed and performed by Jean-Jacques Goldman: a long version for the album and a short version released six months later for the media. The short version became a success in summer 1988, ranking in the 50 best sellers in France.
Some think that this song evokes a romantic breakup, others see it as an evocation of the tragic loss of his older brother, Pierre, murdered in 1979. Still others see it as the child's departure from home. The true meaning of this song was revealed by Jean-Jacques Goldman himself in a documentary broadcast in 2011, it is a message addressed to his audience at the end of his concerts.
The song “Puisque tu pars” by Jean-Jacques Goldman is not a song about a romantic breakup or the premature death of his brother, but rather a message addressed to his audience to reassure them that separations are not always sad and negative. The idea was to convey this idea in his own words, rather than resorting to the refrain “It's just goodbye my brothers” which he finds ugly. Ultimately, the song proves to be an anthem to its audience.
Other singers also performed “Puisque tu pars”, including Jean-Félix Lalanne, Vianney and even Bryan Adams as well as Céline Dion in an English version entitled “Let's Talk About Love”!
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